Tuesday, August 7, 2007


well, thanks to Candace Salima I was introduced to The Simpsonizer and decided to have myself Simpsonized. I've not been a big follower of The Simpsons over the years, though it's not because I don't find them humorous (I've already admitted that I am warped.) It's just that I don't have enough time to do the things I NEED to be doing, let alone shove more stuff into my head that will make me even MORE warped. Still, I couldn't resist this one. I don't think it looks anything like me, but I dont' care. It was fun anyway.

So, here I am! Simpsonized!


Julie Wright said...

Karen, you look MARVELOUS!!!!!

Unknown said...

Love it! It's a guilty pleasure, I found myself going back and back trying different things until I cut myself cold.

Tristi Pinkston said...

I keep trying to do it, and it doesn't like my picture. Sniff. Now I'll never know what I look like.

Karen E. Hoover said...

Julie - Thank you!

Candace - Thanks for leading the way. It was a lot of fun.

Tristi - What a bummer! It didn't like my first or second picture either. I had to find one that mostly faced forward and then size it appropriately. Good luck!