2010 Winner of the Silver Quill for second place in the Fiction category for the League of Utah Writers Publication Awards.
This book intrigued me from the moment I read the backliner, and I found myself very drawn to the characters. As most of you know, I am a character writer. That's why I write series'. I get attached to people and don't want to let go. The interplay between these characters was interesting, though I found myself frustrated with Stephanie's passivity at moments, by the end of the book I had come to truly love her as a character.
I think it was her relationship with the horses that did it. You see, I'm a farm girl at heart. My grandfather owned 100 acres in Kennewick, Washington, and farmed it well. We lived there for four years and then moved to Noble, Oklahoma where we had 45 acres and had everything from chickens to pigs, to horses. I'm an animal lover and though I didn't compete like Stephanie did in the book, I know that love for these big animals. Add to that her relationship to the pregnant mare, Riskie Business, and how she related to that horse and cared for its foal, and my heart connected with this character.
I must admit the ending was my favorite bit though. I love surprise endings, so I won't ruin it for any of you, but believe me, it's worth reading the book just for the ending alone.
Betty Briggs definitely gets a thumb's up from me!
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And for more information about the author and her books, please visit her website.