Friday, September 5, 2008

Book Review: The Santa Letters

I must admit, the timing on reading this book was perfect for me. Since I lost my mother I've found myself questioning who I am without her. It's been an interesting and painful process, discovering who I am all over again, and one I never imagined I'd have to go through once I passed the teenage years. It's not easy dealing with the loss of people we love and The Santa Letters by Stacy Gooch Anderson has a wonderful way of showing just that.

I sat down at lunch with this book and didn't leave the table until I was finished. Yeah. It was that good.

The falling December snow brings with it the sadness that has engulfed the previous year for the Jensen family. This first year without their father and husband has been trying. Money is tight, but it's the emotional strain that threatens to snap under the weight of grief. Just as Emma and the children begin to sink beneath the surface, a mysterious package arrives on the doorstep. An ornate wax seal beckons them to open the accompanying note and start on a journey through Christmas. The note is signed simply, "Santa," and each day a package arrives to remind them of the true meaning of Christmas - love, family, memories, and, most important of all, Christ.

As I read the journey of the Jensen family, I found myself wondering how I too could apply the lessons taught in The Santa Letters and how I could serve those in need and those who have served me through my time of trial. If you haven't yet had the opportunity to read The Santa Letters, I would strongly encourage you to take the time to do so. It's a few hours spent that you'll never forget.