Ali Cross is hosting a blog hop over at her blog and I signed up, partially because I absolutely adore Ali and it sounded like a fun idea, and partially because she asked us to write flash fiction. Now, most people don't know this about me, but I adore flash fiction. I was first introduced to it by a group of online writers called "Liberty Hall," of which Mary Robinette Kowall was a member of long before she became a famous author. (I probably spelled her name wrong. Sorry Mary!)
Anyway, what I love about flash fiction is that it forced me to stop thinking my way through a story and feel my way through it instead. It made me stop trying to fix the words and instead to slap as many on the page as possible. I think it's an excellent exercise for all writers, and it's a heck of a lot of fun! So, I signed up for the blog hop and will post my story on the 15th in hopes of winning Possession by Elayna Johnson. :D I already have Hazzardous Universe. lol But if not, at least I've had a chance to write again and participate with some lovely people. I hope you'll be one of them.
If you want to join us, go to Ali's blog above and sign up!
Hello!!! It's the 15th! I want to read your story! YOU were the one who first explained to me what flash fiction was and now I always think of you when I write it!
Thanks for the shout-out Karen!
hey karen how are you doing, I love your blog! But im missing your fun flash fiction story, where is it??? I want to see it
=0) love you so much!!
oh and Im following you now, I thought I already was, but then for the longest time I couldn't post any comments at all, so im happy that i can now!
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